
Once upon a time I built a successful clothing company–with words. The designs were great, but it was the story, tone and enticing copy I created that inspired people to click “add to cart.” 

Ultimately, the rag trade wasn’t it for me. But I figured out what I really loved was making an idea resonate with its intended audience. And that’s what I do now–I’ve helped start-ups tune into a new audience, consultants land their ideas with clients, and titan companies pitch innovative partnerships and internal initiatives.  

Careful, clear communication is the through-line of all my work: from writing my undergraduate thesis on Samuel Beckett, to a 15-year career as a theatre artist, to founding The Willary, to my playtime on stage at The Second City.

My varied background gives me an in to most cocktail party banter and makes me a valuable asset to any team. As the former Creative Director of a start-up, I’m uniquely qualified to work across teams to unify a total brand vision and take on a more strategic role. Add in an ear for catchy phrasing and a professional lifetime of storytelling and you’ve got yourself your next writer.

Contact me here.